Oct 8 – Back to the writing frame of mind…

Sorry for being out of touch for awhile. I was doing it. And then recovering from it. And now, it’s time to sort through it and figure out next things! And this writing stuff help sorts it out.

I’ll catch up with what happened. Sort of. But for now, back to the notes.

– It is Fleet Week in SF – http://fleetweeksf.org/events/

– It also seems that China is dumping US government debt – http://www.wsj.com/articles/once-the-biggest-buyer-china-starts-dumping-u-s-government-debt-1444196065
This isn’t a bad thing. But it is a thing. Keep calm and carry on.

– I really really want to make things out of cardboard



I really really hope this works, and want one if it does….

– This is a rabbit hole that goes VERY FAR DOWN – RELATED PINS OVERLOAD

– You can get Sriacha style chili sauce in packets!

– I’m gonna come out here and say it, I have real opinions on project management scheduling software

FastTrack Schedule > https://www.smartsheet.com/  > Merlin

But, whatever the option, it is better than having to run a virtual PC to use MS project on a Mac…

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